Our SPAR team focuses on the delivery of insight and measurement through research, analytics and planning. The team utilises our proprietary tool PN+ to consistently uncover and strengthen the unique hooks that trigger change among the audiences clients most want to reach.
Through the employment of our well-proven methodologies, we are able to conduct research on issues or trends to produce deep and useful insights. We conduct perception studies, brand health research, industry/market studies, market intelligence reports, etc.
We produce geo-marketing analysis reports based on insights from data analysed by geographic region. This report provides the business intelligence that guides our clients on where to aim their communication efforts and also ensures they stay ahead of their competitors.
Our communication audit is a systematic research method that identifies the strengths and weaknesses of an organisation’s current internal and external communications. The report of this audit highlights a clear direction and strategy for future communications for our clients.
We facilitate effective strategy summit sessions where senior team members gain clarity about their firm’s future and identify new ways to capture incremental performance through winning strategies and communication plans. Our summits ensure that a clear plan of action is worked out together, placing everybody on the same page and working efficiently and effectively towards the same goal.
The benefits of a strategy summit are that they:
- Gain consensus
- Empower all participants
- Build a consulting partnership
- Facilitate objectivity
- Uncover new opportunities and grow business
- Generate Momentum
- Deepen understanding of client and agency’s expertise
- Shape strategic account planning and deliverables
Using our proprietary planning tool, PN+, we develop communication that ensure that an organisation’s or individual’s publics are in line with their goals; and with effective tools we monitor and track conversations, and deliver the right content and engagement to continually shape perceptions.
Guided by PN+, our campaigns are inspired by the unique hooks that trigger change among the audiences Clients want to reach. We pride ourselves in creating impactful campaigns capable of integrating multiple communication disciplines.